Monday, 11 May 2015

T-shirt recycling 1: DIY Tote .

Hello all!!!
I hope you guys had an amazing weekend! I really wanted to go watch Piku but sadly I couldn't get tickets:( Hoping to watch it soon though! Its been getting very positive reviews and it has Irfaan Khan!! He's my absolute favorite ! Let me know how it is if you watched it!

So, most of us probably have one big pile of clothes lying around in our cupboard  which we never really use. Maybe those clothes have some sentimental value attached to them, maybe you like the print or the material a lot or maybe you just think you're gonna wear them sometime later. If you're like me, that pile will mostly consist of a zillion shirts from the buy 3 for the price of 2 section of various stores. Esp the Honey ones from Pantaloons.I was a big fan. So, what are you going to do with them? You can't just leave them there and let them occupy space unnecessarily right?And lets face it,you're never throwing or donating those clothes either. So if the're gonna be there anyway ,might as well make some use of them. That's exactly what this post is about! Reconstructing your old t-shirts into as good as new ones as well as making other useful items out of them. I'll be sharing various ways of doing so over the next few days! I love DIY's because most of them are super easy and super fun. Also, you can make things according to your taste and add  elements of your liking to it!
Its time to get chopping!!:D

 Today i'll be guiding you through the process of turning a simple t-shirt into an everyday tote bag!!
Let's get started!!

Here's what you'll need for this DIY:

A pair of scissors and a t-shirt.( the important thing here is to use a very big shirt. Go for a large or an xl because you definitely want your bag to be spacious and have long handles. I used a medium sized shirt.)

Step 1:

Start by laying the shirt out on a hard surface and cutting  the sleeves, the neck and the bottom hem. Just cut along the hem lines on each as shown below.



  Your shirt should now look like this:

Step 2: 

Now cut vertical strips/fringes starting from the bottom of the shirt on both sides. You can either do this by cutting both sides together or cutting them one by one. You can decided the length and width of these strips according to how long and wide you want your 'fringes' to be.I recommend keeping it maybe half an inch or so longer than the length you want because you'll be knotting it.

 After you cut them ,it should look something like this:

 Step 3: 

Pull at these strips to stretch them out to give it a smoother finish.

I had to use my foot to get some grip becuase I was alone at home.:D

It should now look something like this:

Step 4: 

Now start knotting the matching (front and back face pieces)pieces like shown below. It's a regular knot.Make a double knot as this is what will actually make your tote a tote and ensure that things don't fall out of it. Make sure the knots are tight.

 It should now look like this:

 Step 5:

Cut the shoulders into half as shown below.This will form your handles.

 Final step:

Tie both the front side pieces together and the back side pieces together.

VOILA! You're done!

 I was able to fit 3 ray ban cases, my wallet,my phone and two 100 ml bottles in this bag! It's pretty great! The best part is that it's washable and doesn't cost a thing!!! Unless of course you buy a new shirt and then decide to make this or have to buy scissors .

This was one of my favorite T-shirts. I bought it almost 4 years ago and it had faded and lost the little bit of shape that it had. Since Guns and Roses is one of the many bands that I deeply admire, I didn't have the heart to throw or give it away, neither was I ready to see it being used as a 'pona' at home. 

I hope the instructions were clear and that you enjoyed this DIY. Remember, this is only meant to give you an idea about how to do this, you can add your own twist and tweak it up.You could experiment by adding a few beads to the tassels or tying them to form patterns. I actually wanted my handles to be very long, almost sling bag like so I added the leftover cloth from cutting out the hem, neck and sleeves and sewed it  to the shoulders to make the handles much longer! Will share a photo on Instagram soon!

If you decide to make a bag of your own, do tag me on Instagram @ruhanidogra or you could mail the photo to me at or tag me on fb @theneverlnadchronicles!

Have an amazing week ahead! 

Until next time,


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