“For yesterdays words belong to yesterdays language
And yesterdays words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning."
I've been planning on starting a blog for quite some YEARS now, but I never really got down to it. Honestly, I thought by the time i'd start my blog, Leonardo Di Caprio would have already bagged an Oscar. I don't know what the reason was though. Maybe because I thought it would be too much work or probably because I couldn't really find inspiration to do so or simply because I couldn't decide what I wanted to really blog about. So, out of all the times of the 20 years and 11 months that I have lived on this earth ,I got inspired to start my blog today .Three days before my final semester exams. Yes,that time of the year which is so crucial, esp because it's kind of going to decide whether i'm gonna have a future or not(I must mention that I don't really think you need to be educated or academically gifted to make it in this world , you just need to be passionate, determined and willing to work your ass off to achieve your goals but the profession I want to be in requires a certain GPA ,which at this point I don't think i'm gonna achieve.)
I don't know if it's just me, but I always seem to hit the zenith of my creativity and curiosity during my study breaks. It's that time of the year when I decide I need to change my lifestyle, do nonsense courses on course-era, make that DIY shirt I wanted to 5 years ago,stare at my deep ,beautiful ,intense room wall for hours at ,clean my closet out ..you get the point. WHY? Why is it always during this time? Not that i'm complaining .I've made many important discoveries during times like these:Tv shows,amazing blogs,weird but interesting food combinations,sleep-talking and farting roommates,hidden birthmarks,online shopping sites and the annoying orange to name a few, but it just makes me feel weird. All my friends are studying their bums off and clocking in library hours like crazy and i'm just sitting here,admiring how shockingly beautiful the plain white wall in fornt of me is .Let me know in the comments below if any of you go through the same.That I am not alone in this.That there is hope.
I am super excited to finally do this!!!! I can't wait to share my thoughts and experiences with all of you and to see how this works out.I will be blogging about everything and anything that interests me and hopefully ,you too. Stay tuned for news from NeverLand.
Oh and the quote above is originally by T.S Elliot(such a genius) but I modified it a bit to suit my requirement.